Amazon Punishment

Pictures and words by Merlin

The Amazons were a powerful and aggressive race of warrior women who are thought to have occupied lands in Eastern Europe and Asia Minor several hundred years BC. Amazonian society was strict and disciplined. Children were taken from their mothers at an early age and enrolled into the army where they were taught to fight and to obey orders unquestioningly.

Amazon law was enforced by the army in an uncompromising fashion. Women who were caught braking the law were punished mercilessly by the "Enforcers" - an elite unit of the army who guarded the Amazon Queen and the Government of Amazonian. Serious crimes were often punished by forced vaginal penetration and individual members of the Enforcers competed to invent the most cruel and extroadinary form of this punishment.

In the Amazon world the punishment did not always fit the crime!

Here a young woman is hung on a wooden frame for 3 hours. She was late in repaying a debt.
The Amazons regarded crucifixion as a punishment for relatively minor crimes. Unlike the Romans they didn't use it as a capital punishment.

Occasionally women were crucified upside down. This was usually reserved for people who had committed a sexual misdemeanour. The woman shown here was caught masturbating herself with a dildo while she was on active duty.

The Amazon army also used cruel torture methods to get information from prisoners. Here we witness an Amazon army officer torturing a Helvetian prisoner to get information about the deployment of the Helvetian army.
Arguably the most dreaded torture device used by the Amazons was the "Splitter". This was used to punish the most serious crimes, such as treason and murder or to extract information from enemy prisoners. Here the Splitter is used to punish a Amazon army deserter
The Splitter was installed at all Amazon border crossing points, where it was used in the interrogation of suspected spies and smugglers.

Here it is shown being used to search a smuggler who is believed to be carrying gold out of Amazonian by hiding it in her vagina wrapped in a pig's bladder.

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