Vacation in Japan
Part 10:  WaGs night at the Circuit Nippon
by Merlin

Continued from part 9:
After about 2  hours in the arena Sancha had defeated seven Wives and Girlfriends (WaGs) of members of the Circuit Nippon.  Her seventh fight had been the most difficult; for a time it had looked as if she would lose, but with only 3 minutes left on the clock she had KO'd her opponent to win the match by one point.  After this Sancha had been granted a 15 minute locker break to refresh herself before facing her last three opponents.
Sancha re-entered the arena to a big welcome from the crowd.  She was aiming to beat the previous champion's record winnings of $70,000, so far she had won $46,000 so she needed to get more than $24,000 (24 points) from the last 3 matches.  She knew she would have to be aggressive and merciless in these last three matches to do this!

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